20th September 2024

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Standon Parish Council Serving the people of Standon Parish

Displaying 1 to 14 of 14

The Hundred Parishes

Circular walks – number 105

Standon & Puckeridge town & country walk – 3.5 miles (6 kms)

This walk should take about half and hour. The route is completely on the level, and, apart from the narrowness of the pavement in one or two places, could easily be undertaken with a pushchair or wheelchair. Because of the narrowness of the High Street, the walk has been designed so that all the buildings...

This walk is based on an account by the late Edna Holden, an acknowledged mine of Standon local history information, and gives some insight into the history of the buildings in Standon Village High Street. It has been somewhat abbreviated, and some new information which has come to light has been added...

The churchyard of St. Mary's Standon has a very fine selection of our native wild flowers, as well as quite a few introductions! A consequence of the rich and varied plant life is that it also supports a large number of birds, mammals, insects and other animals. This walk will lead you around the churchyard...

This walk, though starting and finishing in the Parish, leaves it for some of the distance. It has been included in order to bring in some attractive paths in the south of the Parish, and also passes some items of aeronautical interest.

Distance and time needed: 51⁄2 miles, approximately 23⁄4...

Over Gatesbury Way

Sun, 17 Jun 2018

Gatesbury is the site of an Iron Age earthwork (marked on Ordnance Survey maps), and the area nearby was one of the most important trading settlements in southern England in the 1st century BC. The Roman town of Braughing which stretched from Wickham Hill across Ermine Street and down to Puckeridge was...

Plashes Wood is one of the last pieces of ancient woodland left in Hertfordshire with many different kinds of broad leaved trees and many species of flowers and grasses . Walking along the edge you will often see deer tracks (and if you are out early you might well see deer from the road – if you...

An ideal walk to introduce visitors to the beauty of the local countryside, varied views over fields and the river with plenty of points of interest –from the sewage works to the stud farm via the lake at Standon Lodge Farm!

Distance and time needed: 31⁄2 miles, approximately 13⁄4 hours...

This walk has great views, primroses in the ditches in spring and the chance to see Buzzards and Red Kites all year round .

Distance and time needed: 41⁄2 miles, approximately 21⁄2 hours.

This is very pleasant ride within the parish avoiding the A10 and A120 roads. Gently undulating landscape provides varied terrain, including water crossings and, of course, wonderful views.

Distance and time needed: 6 miles, riding apx 1 hr, walking apx 3 hrs. If continuing from point 3 on Ride 4, 9 miles...

A really attractive country ride over open country, through woods and a ford. This ride was designed by horse riders but is equally suitable for cyclists or walkers– but please be aware of the fact that a bike is silent and could scare a horse if you come across it suddenly.

Distance and time needed:...

In Autumn and Winter you will need boots or wellies for this one – it can get muddy and in Summer watch out for the nettles. However your reward will be fabulous views, beautiful countryside and wildlife, and a sight of Canary Wharf and the Shard!

Distance and time needed: 3.7 miles, just under...

A short easy to follow walk, ideal for a stroll after Sunday lunch! Despite having to cross the A10, this is a delightful walk. In Spring you will be delighted with the show of cowslips, primroses and bluebells.

Distance and time needed: 3 miles, approx. 1.5 hours

Easy hills, open country, stunning views, woodland and a lake make this a rewarding walk.

Distance and time needed: 4.5 miles, approx. 2 hours.