20th September 2024

Search Standon Parish Council

Standon Parish Council Serving the people of Standon Parish

Over Gatesbury Way

Gatesbury is the site of an Iron Age earthwork (marked on Ordnance Survey maps), and the area nearby was one of the most important trading settlements in southern England in the 1st century BC. The Roman town of Braughing which stretched from Wickham Hill across Ermine Street and down to Puckeridge was second only to Verulamium in St. Albans. The area was alive with activity for many centuries, so keep your eyes open as you walk.

This walk goes outside the Parish but it gives you an excellent view of Puckeridge across open countryside. It uses several paths which are not included in the other walks.

Distance and time needed: 31⁄2 miles, approximately 13⁄4 hours