8th September 2024

Search Standon Parish Council

Standon Parish Council Serving the people of Standon Parish

Crime Prevention

The Parish Council works closely with East Herts Rural Team in trying to address the causes of crime within the Parish.

PCSO Hannah Sabey has recently joined the East Herts Rural Team. As our funded PCSO, she will be spending most of her time looking after us all in Standon and Puckeridge. The local PC is David Miller and they are both based at Buntingford Police Station and can be contacted by telephone on 101 or by email: hannah.sabey@herts.pnn.police.uk or david.miller2@herts.pnn.police.uk

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention initiatives ever. Now involving more than 120,000 households in Hertfordshire, it is based on the simple idea that you and your neighbours can help to reduce crime and create a safer and better place to live, work and play. It is also a means of keeping an eye on the vulnerable, elderly and disabled.

The OWL system is a personal computer based alerting system to provide communities with a timely warning of local crime. It is invaluable when a distraction burglary takes place or a bogus caller is reported in the neighbourhood, to warn residents of recent serious crimes in the locality or if a suspicious car is seen outside a school. Alerts and crime prevention advice will be sent to you by electronic mail, from the local policing team.

Also joining the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is free and some insurance companies offer reductions on house insurance if you are a member.

Join Neighbourhood Watch and encourage your neighbours to join too. It's a proven deterrent to burglars.

Last updated: Wed, 04 Jul 2018 12:55