8th September 2024

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Standon Parish Council Serving the people of Standon Parish

Conservation Areas

Standon High Street

Standon High Street


The adopted Conservation Area is clearly defined and separated from the modern development to the north and is now composed of four main identity areas:-

Area A - Consists of the very attractive and historic High Street bounded by the River Rib in the west and includes the eastern part of Paper Mill Lane and the western section of Hadham Road, The latter two roads, different in name only, effectively form a physical continuation of the High Street. Land south of Paper Mill Lane relates more to the open countryside than to the built environment and no longer forms part of the Conservation Area.

Area B – Consists of Mill End, north of Stortford Road and including the converted Flour Mill, is an area of mixed land uses that the Village Study describes as being an 'interesting reminder of the days when workers lived…in the shadow of their work place'

Area C – Consists of agricultural land and associated buildings, south of Kents Lane extending to Paper Mill Lane and including the industrial complex between the River Rib and the old railway line. The agricultural land in this area relates more to the open countryside than to the built environment. (The industrial complex and some agricultural land to the west no longer forms part of the conservation area.)

Area D - Consists of quality late 19th century housing to the south of Stortford Road.

Standon Conservation Area is of a very high quality with a particularly rich and well documented history containing a wide range of Listed Buildings and other buildings and distinctive features of quality that should be preserved.

Revised Conservation Area Boundary. The revised boundaries include the following amendments.

a) Include nos.22-48 Stortford Road within the Conservation Area.

b) Exclude countryside to south of Paper Mill Lane.

c) Exclude open countryside to rear of New Street House and farm office and west of River Rib extending to south of Paper Mill House.

There are about 175 Listed Buildings in the Parish as a whole including Standon, 15 of which are Grade II*. There are only two Grade I Listings, one being St Mary's Church in Standon and the other is the Pugin Chapel at St Edmunds College, Old Hall Green.

Puckeridge High Street

Puckeridge High Street


The Conservation Area is long and linear being composed of the High Street and extended in the north by the continuation of Buntingford Road. Both southern and northern ends enjoy proximity to the open countryside as opposed the central section of High Street which is hemmed in by the A10 road and modern development at Lunardi Court, Tollsworth Way and Huntsman Close to the west and Station Road and Park Lane to the east. Within this latter area there is some 19th century development but its scattered nature and the manner in which it is dominated by modern development excludes consideration of extending the Conservation Area into this location.

Puckeridge Conservation Area is situated between the Upper Rib valley area to the east and the Puckeridge Parklands to the west. The latter area contains three parklands including that around St Edmunds College. Notwithstanding the proximity of surrounding 20th century development, Puckeridge Conservation Area is clearly defined and visually separate and distinctive.

The northern end of the Conservation Area is enhanced by a triangular area of unused open land with quality trees and hedgerows that is part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Of the 175 Listed Buildings in the Parish, 40 are concentrated in Puckeridge High Street and its northern extension, Buntingford Road. One of these is listed Grade II* namely 54 - 60 High Street that dates from the 16th century. Buildings from the 16th-19th centuries are represented. Approximately 35% date from the 18th century; 30% from the 16th century, 25% from the 17th century and 10% from the 19th century.

Last updated: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 13:18