8th September 2024

Search Standon Parish Council

Standon Parish Council Serving the people of Standon Parish


Land in the Parish owned by Standon Charities http://www.standoncharities.org.uk (Charity No 209195):

The Allotment field off Station Road, Puckeridge approximately 74 plots.

Managed by the Parish Council.

Land behind the even numbered houses on South Road, Puckeridge.

A field on the North side of the A120 as you leave Standon towards Bishop's


The triangle of land at the end of Standon High Street which has the Pudding Stone on it.


Standon Charities has twelve almshouses:

2 bungalows and 2 flats at Youngsbury Lane, Wadesmill (near the Feathers);

A flat at Vintage Court, Puckeridge (behind the Petrol Station) and

7 bungalows at Hadham Road, Standon (just past the old school).

These are available to men or women of any age who are in housing need and resident in the area of benefit.

To apply, please contact David Goldstraw, the Clerk

Email: silverhay@aol.com

or 07841 150054 giving your details and including a phone number.

Last updated: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 07:10